31 July 2017

Close call: A Couple With Kids in Arms Barely Missed Being Hit on Highway

A series of car accidents took place in #Xiamen, coastal city of #China’s eastern #Fujian province on July 23, 2017. A couple with two kids in their arms tried to cross the highway from the median after their car was hit. But without carefully observing the road first, they stood in the middle of the road and were barely missed being hit by an SUV, which failed to detour or come to a full stop.

Mobil Nyaris Tabrak 2 Orang Yang Sedang Menyeberang Jalan Tol
Serangkaian kecelakaan mobil di Xiamen, kota pesisir Tiongkok, China timur, Fujian tanggal 23 Juli 2017. dua orang anak mencoba menyeberangi jalan raya dari median setelah mobil mereka ditabrak. Tapi tanpa hati-hati mengamati jalan pertama, mereka berdiri di tengah jalan dan hampir tidak terjawab tertabrak oleh mobil yang gagal memutar atau datang mendadak.

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