11 August 2017

Viral video of 'Fight Club' For Young Orphans Sparks Public Debate, Police Investigation in China

A viral video of a children's fight club has triggered both outrage and praise from online communities in China, as well as a police investigation.The video, which spread across the Chinese internet like wildfire on Monday, stars two 14-year-old boys, Xiao Long and Xiao Wu, fighting in an MMA cage in front of a large crowd. Understandably, this somewhat shocking scene has elicited quite a response.

The young teenagers are members of the Enbo Club, a mixed martial arts (MMA) organization based in Chengdu. It appears that the boys are just two of nearly 400 impoverished children from the southwestern region of China who have been adopted by the club and trained in commercial cage fighting.

The video, which was edited and released by Enbo, also includes interviews with the boys, who explain that the fight club is a better alternative to the life that they would have at home. Additionally, Enbo's founder discusses how he not only provides the orphans with a better childhood environment, but that he also puts them on career paths to become global MMA competitors or bodyguards.

Some of the heartbreaking sound bites which can be found in the video include the two boys detailing their fractured families and lack of stability in their home life. When describing the comforts which Enbo provides, Xiao Wu said that "There is everything here -- food, clothes and a place to live... There is beef and eggs here, but at home I can only eat potatoes." Both children said that they aspired to be MMA champions and hope to continue to fight for the club.

Enbo is known in the southwestern region of China for adopting orphaned or disenfranchised children and training them to fight. The club's founder claims that he comes from a similar background as many of his pupils, and that he takes in orphans in order to prevent them from having to live on the streets. While Enbo claims to be acting honorably, many online critics have said that the coaches are merely profiting off having children beat each other up.

The BBC highlights one concerned netizen who commented on the video: "They should be at school, and yet have entered into the profit-driven world. What's being implanted into them is that the rules of survival means that the winner takes all. This is deplorable; where are the authorities in all this?"

But other viewers are more sympathetic. One commenter on the video wrote: "Learning to fight from a young age offers a way out for the future, I don't think there's anything majorly wrong."

Viral video 'Fight Club' Untuk Anak Yatim Piatu Memicu Debat Publik, Polisi China Melakukan Penyelidikan 
Video virus dari klub pertarungan anak-anak telah memicu kemarahan dan pujian dari komunitas online di China, serta penyelidikan polisi. Video yang tersebar di internet China seperti kebakaran pada hari Senin, membintangi dua anak laki-laki berusia 14 tahun, Xiao Long dan Xiao Wu, berkelahi di kandang MMA di depan kerumunan besar. Maklum, pemandangan yang agak mengejutkan ini menimbulkan respons.

Remaja muda adalah anggota Enbo Club, sebuah organisasi campuran seni bela diri (MMA) yang berbasis di Chengdu. Tampaknya anak laki-laki itu adalah dua dari hampir 400 anak miskin dari wilayah barat daya China yang telah diadopsi oleh klub tersebut dan dilatih dalam pertempuran kandang komersial.

Video tersebut, yang diedit dan dirilis oleh Enbo, juga mencakup wawancara dengan anak laki-laki, yang menjelaskan bahwa klub pertarungan adalah alternatif yang lebih baik untuk kehidupan yang mereka dapatkan di rumah. Selain itu, pendiri Enbo membahas bagaimana dia tidak hanya menyediakan anak-anak yatim piatu dengan lingkungan masa kecil yang lebih baik, tapi juga menempatkan mereka pada jalur karir untuk menjadi pesaing MMA global atau pengawal pribadi.

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